Ethiopia has agreed to exchange goods under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) following the approval of the country’s tariff line, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported.
In a press conference yesterday, Foreign Affairs State Minister Ambassador Misganu Arega stated that leaders of African Union member states have endorsed Ethiopia’s tariff line for commodities to be traded under the AfCFTA.
“We have now the opportunity to join the nine countries which are implementing the AfCFTA,” he told reporters. Tariff concessions have been made on commodities in aggregate, he stated.

Ethiopia has agreed with all countries, including Kenya, South Africa, and Nigeria, to remove tariffs on 90% of AfCFTA goods, while the remaining 7% and 3% of commodities are on the sensitive and exclusive product lists, respectively, according to him.
Among other things, the AfCFTA was primarily established by the AU to create a single market for goods and services facilitated by the movement of people in order to deepen the economic integration of the African continent in accordance with the Pan-African Vision of “An integrated, prosperous, and peaceful Africa.”
Meanwhile, when asked about Ethiopia’s continued participation in the AU ordinary sessions, the State Minister stated that the country has explicitly notified Union leaders about Somalia’s case in relation to the Ethio-Somaliland MoU.
“Ethiopia’s foreign policy emphasises the importance of regional integration, cooperation, and mutual gain. We have no history of invasion or annexation. In this scenario, we need to work on improving people-to-people integration because we both have the same people,” he stated.
His companion, Foreign Affairs State Minister of Resources and Services, Ambassador Birtukan Ayano, also informed journalists that Ethiopia hosted over 8000 AU guests during the most recent ordinary session.
Ethiopia welcomed over 8,000 African Union guests with enhanced hospitality, as 54 charter flights arrived at Bole International Airport. According to her, the airport was welcoming AU Guests without disruption while completing its routine tasks.
Ethiopia has provided welcoming services to all guests in accordance with international protocol, and the positive feedback from attendance demonstrates that they are properly treated, according to her.
However, Somalia’s President’s claim against Ethiopian security personnel is unrelated to the service received, she said, adding that the president’s delegate was violating international procedure by rejecting Ethiopian security’s escorting duties.