A tragic incident unfolded near the Italian island of Lampedusa as a migrant boat sank en route from Libya, leaving at least 20 people missing and seven rescued, including an 8-year-old Syrian boy. The child was traveling with his mother, who remains unaccounted for.
Survivors reported that the missing included five women and three children. The boat, which departed from Libya’s Zuwara on Monday night, capsized early Tuesday morning.
“They didn’t make it to shore. Knowing they were so close is even more heartbreaking,” said Lampedusa’s mayor, Filippo Mannino.
The central Mediterranean route remains one of the deadliest migration paths globally. Since 2014, nearly 24,500 people have died or disappeared on this journey, according to the International Organisation for Migration. Despite Italy’s efforts to curb migrant departures, perilous crossings persist.