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5.2 Million Egyptians Apply to Receive COVID-19 Vaccine

Egypt’s Ministry of Health has announced that 5.2 million Egyptians have registered to receive the coronavirus vaccine on the designated website.

The ministry added that the site’s daily registration rate is 300,000 citizens, compared to a previous range between 20,000 and 30,000 per day.

According to the ministry, the website can accommodate up to five million registrations per day. The site includes information on the various vaccination centers in the country and their wait times.

Ministry Spokesperson Khaled Megahed confirmed 1,151 new cases and 43 deaths of the virus on Thursday.

He stated that the total registered cases in Egypt with the coronavirus so far reached 257,275, and 14,850 have died from the virus.

Moreover, 876 people recovered from coronavirus on Thursday, bringing the total of those recovered to 188,567.

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