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80 Die in Sudan Floods, Properties Destroyed

At least eighty people have been killed and sixty-seven injured by flood in Sudan, according to the National Council for Civil Defense, since the start of the rainy season in the country.

Abdel Jalil Abdelreheem, Spokesman for the council made the revelation on Monday after eleven states were hit by flooding, following heaven downpours. 

Flash floods, worsened by the second filling of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) have been experienced in Sudan with people dying from drowning, electrocution and collapse of houses, according to Abdelreheem.

The Spokesperson also added that more than eight thousand houses were destroyed by the floods in the eleven states while across the country, more than 27,000 houses were affected.

Damage and losses caused by flooding have been an annual occurrence in Sudan and it happens between June and October every year. More than 100,000 have been affected since July in what looks like a repetition of last year’s troubles which saw the Sudanese government announcing a three-month emergency after 110,000 houses were destroyed. 

Last year’s flood impacted 650,000 people and the Sudanese government has been left worried by the state of the nation, with Ethiopia urged to share data with the country following the filling of the GERD. 

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