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African Union Calls for Peace in Eastern DR Congo Amid Conflict

African Union President Urges Peace in Eastern DR Congo as Situation Deteriorates

The Chairman of the African Union has expressed concern over the deteriorating situation in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo). Azali Assoumani, speaking at the opening of the Quadripartite Summit of Heads of State and Government in Luanda, described the situation as a threat to the country and called for efforts to transform it into a source of happiness rather than conflict.

Assoumani stressed that the current crisis in the DR Congo, with its abundant economic and human resources, is not only a regional concern but also affects the continent and the rest of the world. The African Union’s acting president highlighted the potential for the destabilisation in eastern DR Congo to have ripple effects throughout Africa.

To address this, Assoumani advocated for intensified joint actions and the implementation of adapted, effective, and innovative political, diplomatic, and security solutions. He emphasised the importance of avoiding duplication of efforts and competition between regional mechanisms in order to achieve peaceful and prosperous outcomes.

The summit, attended by high-level representatives from the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the East African Community (EAC), the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICRGL), and the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), focuses on the urgent need for peace in eastern DR Congo. The region continues to face military tensions and conflicts with neighbouring Rwanda.

Azali Assoumani, who is also the president of Comoros, stated that the strategic goals of the summit are to establish a joint framework and mechanism for implementing and monitoring peace initiatives in eastern DR Congo. He underscored the importance of regional blocs as key actors in promoting peace, stability, and development.

Assoumani commended the efforts and dedication of Angolan President João Lourenço and Angolan diplomacy in their continuous support and coordination to address the security crisis in eastern DR Congo. He called upon all participants to work together to reverse the trend of conflict and transform the DR Congo into a source of happiness.

Moussa Faki Mahammat, the president of the AU Commission, also highlighted the meeting’s significance in finding African solutions to African problems. He stressed the AU’s commitment to restoring peace and security in the region, particularly in the African Great Lakes area. Mahammat emphasised the need for efficient coordination among regional organisations to optimise resource management and effectively address both local and global crises.

The Quadripartite Summit in Luanda brings together representatives from Burundi, Zimbabwe, Gabon, DR Congo, Rwanda, Comoros, Namibia, the AU, and the United Nations. The summit aims to devise effective mechanisms for sustainable peace in eastern DR Congo.

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