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African Union Gets Full Membership at G20 Summit

African Union Gets Full Membership at G20 Summit

India Prime Minister hugs African Union Chair at G20 summit after getting full membership

The African Union (AU) has received full membership from the Group of Twenty (G-20) at the just concluded summit under the theme, “One Earth, One Family, One Future” in New Delhi, India.

This was disclosed in a verified tweet made on Saturday by the G20 President and Prime Minister of Israel, Narendra Modi.

The G20 Summit held a two-day summit hosted by the Indian Presidency over the weekend, where India handed over leadership to the Brazilian presidency.

On Saturday, the G20 welcomed the African Union as a permanent member of the bloc, indicating the group’s acknowledgment of Africa’s relevance on the world stage.

India hosted the G20 Summit on Friday, September 7, 2023

U.S. President Joe Biden last year called for the permanent membership of the African Union, stating that the event has been “a long time coming”.

Announcing the membership, the Prime Minister of India, said in a verified post on the social networking platform X (formerly known as Twitter), “Advancing a more inclusive G20 that echoes the aspirations of the Global South! PM Narendra Modi extends a heartfelt welcome to President African Union and the President of Comoros Azali Assoumani. Thrilled to have the African Union as a permanent member. A milestone for the G20 family indeed”.

Modi welcomed the chair of the AU and Comoros President, Azali Assoumani, with a hug during the G20 summit hosted at his country.

According to Mordi, AU’s membership will energise the G20 and the Global South, a role that India has played since its presidency.

The chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki, welcoming the membership of the AU at G20 event, said. “This membership, for which we have long been advocating, will provide a propitious framework for amplifying advocacy in favour of the Continent and its effective contribution to meeting global challenges.”

The G20 is a bloc of 19 countries and the European Union (EU) with operations centered on global economics and development. India took over the presidency in December 2022.

The bloc was founded in 1999 as a forum for Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors to discuss global economic and financial issues, just after the Asian financial crisis.

Also reacting to the membership, the previous AU Chair and President of Senegal, Macky Sall, said, “Congratulations to all of Africa!”

According to spokesperson, Ebba Kalondo, Macky had helped push for the AU’s membership at the G20 since 2016 when the continental bloc began its advocacy for full membership.

South Africa has been the only member of the AU in the G20 until the announcement.

Kenya’s President William Ruto said, “With Africa poised to grow in the coming years, a seat will allow it to shape the decisions of G20 to ensure the continent’s interests are advanced. The outcome of the just concluded Africa Climate Summit including fundamental reforms of international financial institutions and multilateral development banks is one thing that AU will advance.”

The African Union recently suspended member states Niger and Gabon over the ousting of their respective presidents and the declaration of military rule.

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