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AI: UK Competition Regulator Unveils Key Principles for Usage

AI: UK Competition Regulator Unveils Key Principles for Usage (News Central TV)

In an effort to promote competitive growth in the rapidly evolving technology, the British competition regulator on Monday proposed guidelines for new artificial intelligence (AI) models, including accountability, access, and transparency.

In May, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) began investigating the impact of generative AI applications like ChatGPT to ensure that the technology benefited both businesses and consumers.

According to Sarah Cardell, chief executive of the CMA, there is real potential for technology to boost productivity and make millions of everyday tasks easier, but a bright future cannot be assumed.

“That is why we proposed these new principles today and launched a broad engagement programme to help ensure the development and use of foundation models evolve in a way that promotes competition and protects consumers,” she said.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has positioned the United Kingdom as a global leader in artificial intelligence regulation, and the country will host an AI safety summit in November.

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