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Airport Tollgate Fees: Tinubu and Shettima Not Exempted

Airport Tollgate Fees: Tinubu and Shettima to Begin Payment

The Federal Executive Council (FEC) has announced that no individual, including President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and Vice President Kashim Shettima, will be exempt from paying airport tollgate fees.

This decision followed a memorandum presented to the council by the Minister of Aviation, Festus Keyamo, who highlighted that the government is experiencing an 82% loss in revenue that should be generated from e-tags at airport toll gates.

Initially, the letter had exempted the president and vice president, but Tinubu overruled this, insisting that they should also contribute by paying the toll fees.

Keyamo stated during the post-FEC media briefing that affluent VIPs have been evading payment, while only ordinary Nigerians have been bearing the burden of toll charges. He emphasised the necessity to cease this practice and ensure that all users contribute fairly.

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