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Albinos in Osun Advocate for Equal Rights and Opportunities

Albinos in Osun Advocate for Equal Rights and Opportunities

Albinos in Osun State, Nigeria, represented by the Osun State Chapter of the Albinism Association Of Nigeria (AAN), are urging the Osun State Government, civil society organisations, and non-governmental organisations to narrow the divide between them and other members of society.

The AAN is advocating for equal opportunities for individuals living with albinism. This plea was articulated in a statement written by the Osun AAN Chairman, Aghanti Sunday Smith, marking the 2024 Albinism Day.

Aligned with this year’s theme, “10 Years of IAAD: A Decade Of Collective Progress”, the AAN Chairman called for the establishment of a supportive environment for albinos.

“We need to build a well accommodating and interacting environment which will enhance social security and integration of persons with Albinism in the society and the grassroots, including family, residents and co-workers.
“In view of the discrimination faced by Persons with Albinism, focussing on social stigmatisation and exclusion, low vision and the deadly skin challenges known as cancer, we encourage parents, guardians and the society to understand the concept of the genetic makeup, unverified facts and other societal beliefs,” he added.

He reaffirmed the ongoing commitment of albinism groups worldwide, highlighting the ongoing need for legal, policy, and practical reforms to guarantee that individuals with albinism, particularly in Osun State, can fully and equally enjoy their rights.

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