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Alcoholism High Among Ghanaian Military Officers- CDS

Alcoholism High Among Ghanaian Military Officers- CDS

According to Major General Thomas Oppong-Prempeh, the Chief of Defense Staff (CDS), alcoholism is the primary mental health issue among military officers in the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF).
Statistics indicate that 70% of alcohol abusers in the military are male while 30% are female.

Oppong-Prempeh said that 1,300 mental health issues are recorded annually. Because of this, he directed the Department of Medical Services within GAF to implement strategies to reduce these numbers. He noted that the figure has remained consistent since 2021.

The CDS revealed this at the culmination of the GAF Men’s Mental Awareness Week in Accra, which was held under the theme “Promoting the Mental Health of Men in Gender-Sensitive Armed Forces.”

“In the Ghana Armed Forces, mental health cases have risen since 2017, and by the close of 2019, a total of 614 cases were recorded for both males and females. However, post-COVID-19 statistics have shown a marked increase, with a total average of about 1,300 cases per year from 2021 to 2023, with about 70% being male,” he said.

He said the issue of mental health is rarely discussed in the military but believes things will change in the future.
He noted, however, that the stigma of mental health negatively impacts individuals, which increases the risk of suicide among victims.

He expressed worry over the increased suicide rate despite fewer cases of depression reported. As a result, he encouraged GAF personnel to support each other.
“Let us all strive to avoid substance abuse, excessive alcohol, gambling, and unnecessary spending and organize our finances in order to live healthier lives going forward,” he added.

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