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Algerian Journalists Detained for Sharing Video of Women’s Protest

Algerian Journalists Detained for Sharing Video of Women’s Protest

Two Algerian journalists, Sofiane Ghirous and Ferhat Omar of the news website “Algerie Scoop”, have been arrested by the Algerian authorities for their crucial work in publishing a video of businesswomen protesting against the manner in which they were treated at a government-sponsored event.

Ghirous, the editor-in-chief of Algerie Scoop and Omar, the website’s director, was reportedly detained last week for broadcasting what authorities claimed: “constituted incitement and hate speech.”
In the video, women start-up founders criticised the government. They accused it of “humiliating” and treating them with “contempt” at an innovation event organised by the Ministry of Education and Professional Training.

Algeria was recently ranked 139 out of 180 in the Freedom of Expression index compiled by the press freedom group Reporters Without Borders, reflecting the country’s clampdown on journalists and pressure on independent media.

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