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Angola, Portugal Sign Cooperation Agreements in Luanda

Angola President Lourenço and Portugal President Costa Sign 13 Agreements in Luanda

The President of Angola, João Lourenço, warmly received the Portuguese President, António Costa, in the capital city of Luanda on Monday.

Ministers from both nations came together to sign a total of 13 agreements, encompassing financial and legal matters.

During the meeting, President João Lourenço expressed his gratitude for the collaborative approach of the Portuguese justice system. He emphasized the importance of exchanging information and aligning strategies to combat corruption in Angola. President Lourenço commended the Portuguese authorities for their cooperation and willingness to assist in finding suitable solutions.

Prime Minister António Costa announced a significant boost to the credit line provided to Angola. This increase, from £1.5 billion to £2 billion, demonstrates Portugal’s commitment to supporting Angola’s efforts to diversify its economy. The additional financial support will enable Angola to pursue its strategic goals and embark on new ventures that will enhance economic growth and stability.

The strengthened partnership between Angola and Portugal is expected to yield positive outcomes for both nations. It is expected to open up opportunities for increased trade, investment, and collaboration in key sectors such as energy, infrastructure, and agriculture. The countries will also work together to promote cultural exchange and educational initiatives that will further strengthen the bilateral relationship.

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