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Angola’s New Minimum Wage Begins in September

Angolan President João Lourenço (News Central TV)

Angola has finalised plans to commence the implementation of its new national minimum wage of 70,000 kwanzas ($80) in September.

It also intends to ensure minimum monthly wage for people in the micro enterprises and startups at 50,000 kwanzas ($60).

The was contained in a presidential order published in the country’s official gazette on Friday.

President Joao Lourenco stated further that the minimum monthly wage will increase to 100,000 kwanzas ($115) in a year’s time, from September 2024.

The president said the salary adjustments is occasioned by current cost of living and the rise in prices of basic commodities, especially food.

The new increment is coming three months after Angola raised the minimum monthly net salary for all civil servants to 100,000 kwanzas ($115).

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