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Bayelsa Community Honours James Ibori With Chieftaincy Title

The former Governor of Delta State, James Ibori, has been honoured with a Chieftaincy title in Amassoma, Bayelsa State, for his contributions to the peace and development of the Niger Delta region. Chief Ibori was conferred with the honour by the Ijaw community as part of the activities marking the 20th coronation anniversary of the traditional ruler, Ebenanowei of Oboing Kingdom, His Royal Majesty Oweipa Jones-Ere, the third.

The former governor was greeted at the ceremony by a throng of supporters, including members of the Ijaw National Congress Council, women’s groups, and the Delta community in Bayelsa State. Speaking at the occasion, Chief Ibori, who spearheaded the call for resource control and fiscal federalism for the people of the Niger Delta during his tenure as governor from 1999 to 2007, expressed his gratitude for the honour.

Chief James Ibori expressed his satisfaction with the level of development he witnessed since his last visit in 2017, commending the efforts of the Bayelsa people in contributing to the well-being of the Niger Delta region and encouraging them to continue their work.

Ibori said, “I am glad to be home. I came here last in 2017 and coming in now, I am impressed with the level of development I saw. I thank you for all you are doing for our people, and we pray that God continues to guide you.”

He further acknowledged the importance of Bayelsa as the heartland of the Niger Delta and recognized the state’s contributions to the region. Ibori praised the current Bayelsa State Governor, Douye Diri, for his performance and ability to unite people, stating, “You know how to unite people. You have the maturity and temperament to know when politics starts and ends. God will continue to give you more success.”

Photo credit: Government House Yenagoa

In response, Governor Diri hailed Ibori for his significant role in the Niger Delta struggle, particularly his agitations for resource control by states in the region. Diri expressed his delight that Ibori had continued to fight for the region’s interests and noted that the former Delta governor had left lasting legacies in his state and the region at large.

Diri said, “We are so happy to host you, as we hold you in very high esteem. Your leadership is not only in Delta State but across our region. The bonding between you and Alamieyeseigha was second to none.”

The Bayelsa governor also highlighted the ongoing injustices that Ibori had fought against during his tenure, which still persist today. He appealed to Ibori to continue joining forces with other stakeholders in the region to address these issues and reiterated the need for Nigeria to practice true federalism based on equity, fairness, and justice.

Diri stated, “Looking at your contribution to the Niger Delta struggle, which you are still doing, makes us happy. When we had issues with the former governor of Rivers State, you were the first to call us to settle. That is what an elder does.”

The governor also acknowledged Ibori’s support during his election campaign and praised the former Delta governor’s open-handed approach to leadership. Diri emphasized the need for Ibori’s knowledge and experience in the ongoing struggle for justice in the Niger Delta region.

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