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BREAKING: Nigeria’s Labour Unions Declare Nationwide Strike from October 3

Labour unions to Embark On Nationwide Strike From October 3

NLC, TUC to Embark On Nationwide Strike From October 3

Nigerian Labour unions, Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) will embark on a nationwide strike from October 3. This was disclosed after the labour unions held a joint virtual National Executive Council (NEC) meeting on Tuesday.

The decision of the TUC and NLC is coming after what the labour unions call the “failure” of the federal government to implement effective policies to ease the sufferings of Nigerians following its petroleum subsidy removal.

According to reports, the chairman of the NLC, Joe Ajaero, told the NEC members that a meeting was held with officials of TUC to figure out a solution.

He added that the two labour unions resolved to work together to inform the government of their joint position.

An attendee of the meeting had noted that the NLC first objected to the coalition with TUC, but later agreed.

“Initially some members did not want us to work with the TUC but as of now, we don’t have a choice. The government has not been proactive. So it is going to be a definite action this time around.” The attendee said.

Labour Unions During a Nationwide Protest

Earlier this month, the Nigerian government had invited the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) over its plan to embark on an indefinite strike. 

The Minister of Labour and Employment, Simon Lalong, invited the NLC labour union for discussions as the union had resolved to shut down the country due to the removal of petroleum subsidy and economic hardship in Nigeria.

Lalong reiterated the commitment of President Bola Tinubu’s government to always engage the organised labour unions and respond to its concerns after due consultation and negotiations.”

He said the invitation is “in order to guarantee industrial harmony which is critical to the attainment of the Renewed Hope Agenda”.

Prior to the invitation, Minister Lalong had invited the labour unions NLC and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) for discussions to prevent the two-day strike held between September 5 and 6 but NLC boycotted the meeting.

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