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Burna Boy Takes On Film Production with ‘3 Cold Dishes’

3 Cold Dishes Crew (News Central TV)

Burna Boy, the famous Nigerian singer, is diving into the film industry with his first movie, “3 Cold Dishes,” which tackles the issue of sex trafficking.

Producing the film under his company, Spaceship Films, which he started in 2015 with his mother, Bose Ogulu, Burna Boy is taking on a new role as an executive producer.

The movie is directed by Asurf Oluseyi, a talented director who previously won the 2016 AMVCA award for Best Short Film for his work titled “A Day with Death.”

Teaming up with Ifind, Alma Productions, Asurf Films, Martian Network, and Black Mic Mac, a production company focusing on African and Middle Eastern talent, Burna Boy is co-producing “3 Cold Dishes.”

The storyline follows the journey of Esosa, Fatouma, and Giselle, three women who were once victims of sex trafficking but have now become influential figures in the underground world of prostitution.

Despite their success, the haunting memories of their past linger as they face threats from the men who exploited them.

Director Asurf Oluseyi describes the film as a testament to the resilience of its characters and promises an African cinematic experience like no other, as he shared with Variety Magazine.

The cast includes top Nollywood actors like Osas Ighodaro, Wale Ojo, Femi Jacobs, Ruby Akubueze, Brutus Richards, and Greg Ojefua, alongside talented Ivorian and Senegalese actors.

3 Cold Dishes” is one of the many exciting projects on Black Mic Mac’s slate, showcasing the rich talent of African storytellers. Their lineup includes titles like “The Devil Inside,” “The Three Rascals,” “Apophenia,” “La Sape,” “The Great Transporter,” “The Cage,” and “Let The Earth Burn.”

Pape Boye, the founder of Black Mic Mac, expresses pride in collaborating with filmmakers across the continent and discovering new talent, solidifying their position as a major player in the African film and television industry.

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