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Chad: Heavy Military Presence in Capital Following Presidential Election

Chad: Heavy Military Presence in Capital Following Presidential Election

N’Djamena, the capital of Chad is witnessing a significant deployment of soldiers and police officers following the declaration of military leader Mahamat Déby as the victor of the presidential elections.

Prior to the official announcement of results on Thursday night, numerous armoured vehicles belonging to the presidential guard were stationed at key junctions and main streets, as reported by the news agency AFP.

Succes Masra, an opposition candidate and Prime Minister under Mr. Déby, contested the outcome on Thursday, asserting his victory in the initial round of voting. He accused the electoral process of robbing “the people” of their rightful outcome and urged his supporters to mobilise peacefully.

At 40 years old, Gen. Déby assumed leadership in Chad following the death of his father, Idriss Déby Itno, in a clash with rebel forces in April 2021. His triumph ensures the continuation of the Déby family’s 34-year reign.

While Gen. Déby’s victory has sparked controversy, with opposition parties citing irregularities on polling day, concerns were raised earlier when ten politicians were disqualified by the constitutional council due to alleged “irregularities,” a move viewed by some as politically motivated.

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