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Cholera Outbreak: Children Aged Under 5 at Risk

The United Nations Children’s Fund

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has said that young children, especially those under five, are more at risk from cholera because they are prone to severe dehydration and have higher death rates during outbreaks.

Celine Lafoucrier, Chief of the UNICEF Lagos Field Office, stated that tackling the challenges of cholera requires government policies to ensure clean water, good sanitation facilities, and stronger healthcare systems that can respond quickly to outbreaks. She emphasised the need for the government to run campaigns that educate the public about preventing cholera to safeguard children and the wider population.

“Recurrent Cholera outbreaks critically affect children and populations at large. These vulnerable groups face substantial health risks, particularly those under five who are prone to severe dehydration and higher mortality rates.
“Educational disruption is yet another critical consequence of cholera outbreaks, as illness and the need to care for sick family members lead to school closures and reduced attendance, hindering children’s learning and development.
“Similarly, post-recovery issues in children can include malnutrition, stunted growth, and weakened immune systems, increasing susceptibility to other diseases.
“Ultimately, preventing cholera centres on good sanitation and hygiene practices. Key actions include proper disposal of faeces, eliminating open defecation, and ensuring access to potable water. Regular handwashing with clean, running water and soap is vital.
“Additionally, avoiding the consumption of uncooked vegetables, unwashed fruits, raw or undercooked seafood, and food from street vendors is important to reduce the risk of cholera infection”, she said.

Lafoucrier said provision and free access to safe drinking water, sanitation, good hygiene practices and better water management could avert almost one-tenth of the global disease which causes an estimated 100,000 deaths annually.

Lafoucrier said, “Disease outbreaks ultimately hinder Nigeria’s progress in achieving health-related Sustainable Development Goals. These outbreaks strain Nigeria’s health system, diverting limited resources from essential services like routine immunisations and maternal and childcare, undermining universal health coverage.”

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