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Cholera Outbreak in Nigeria Kills 30, Hospitalises 1,141

Cholera Outbreak in Nigeria : 30 Dead, 1,141 in Hospitalised

The National Biosafety Management Agency (NBMA) has issued a warning to the public regarding the recent cholera outbreaks in several states across Nigeria.

Mrs Gloria Ogbaki, NBMA’s Head of Information and Communications, stated on Friday that Dr Agnes Asagbra, the Director-General of NBMA, emphasised the importance of remaining vigilant in an official statement.

“Asagbra said Nigerians must exercise caution as Nigeria records 30 deaths and 1,141 suspected cases from the disease.
“As we approach the festive period of the Salah celebrations, it is of utmost importance that we collectively prioritise the health and safety of our communities.
“Cholera, a highly contagious bacterial infection caused by the ingestion of contaminated food or water, has been reported in Bayelsa, Zamfara, Abia, Cross River, Bauchi, Delta, Katsina, Imo, Nasarawa, and Lagos States.’’

Asagbara said that the NBA, working with health authorities, is keeping an eye on the situation and taking steps to stop the spread of the water-borne disease. Nigerians were urged to follow good hygiene practices: boil drinking water or use approved purification methods, wash hands well with soap and water after using the toilet, before eating, or preparing food.

Asagbara also advised thoroughly cooking food before eating it while it’s still hot. She warned against eating raw fruits and vegetables unless properly washed with clean water. Nigerians were also asked to stay vigilant and report any cases of cholera.

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