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Court Issues Nigeria’s Government a 7-Day Ultimatum to Fix Prices of Goods

Gavel Justice (News Central TV)

A Federal High Court sitting in Ikoyi, Lagos has issued the Nigerian Federal Government a seven-day ultimatum to fix the prices of goods and petroleum products in the country.

Justice Ambose Lewis-Allagoa handed out the order on Wednesday, February 7 following a petition filed by human rights activist and senior advocate of Nigeria (SAN, Femi Falana.

“I have had the applicant Femi Falana in a suit no San,FHC/L/CS/869/2023 and I have also discovered that despite the service of the Originating motion on the respondents namely Attorney-General of the Federation and the Price Control Board, no opposition to it by way of counter affidavit, which is law that all the facts deposed in the affidavit attached to the originating motion are all deemed admitted.

“Consequently, all prayers that are sought for in the motion papers are hereby granted as prayed,” Justice Lewis-Allagoa said.

Falana’s Petition to the court partly reads:

“A declaration that by virtue of Section 4 of the Price Control Act Cap, the defendants are under a legal obligation to fix the prices of bicycles and spare parts; flour; matches; milk; motorcycles and spare parts; motor vehicles and spare parts; salt; sugar and petroleum products including diesel, petrol motor spirit and kerosene.

“A declaration that the failure or refusal of the Defendants to fix the prices of bicycles and spare parts; flour; matches; milk; motorcycles and spare parts; motor vehicles and spare parts; salt; sugar and petroleum products including diesel, petrol motor spirit and kerosene is illegal as it offends the provision of Section 4 of the Price Control Act, Cap…., Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004.

“An order directing the defendants to fix the prices of bicycles and spare parts; flour; matches; milk; motorcycles and spare parts; motor vehicles and spare parts; salt; sugar and petroleum products including diesel, petrol motor spirit and kerosene not later than 7 days after the delivery of the Judgment of this Honourable Court.”

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