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Cross River Assembly Impeaches Speaker Elvert Ayambem

Elvert-Ayambem (News Central TV)

Members of the Cross River State House of Assembly on Wednesday engaged in a free-for-all following the impeachment of Speaker Rt. Hon. Elvert Ayambem.

The House was turned into a boxing ring as the sitting rounded up with members fighting over the mace.

The fisticuffs ended the sitting which saw 17 members out of 25 impeach Ayambem on allegations of financial misappropriation.

Ayambem has been impeached as Speaker of the Cross River State House of Assembly.

The Speaker was impeached on Wednesday by 17 members out of the 15-member House over allegations of misappropriation of funds.

The majority of the lawmakers passed a no-confidence vote on the Rt. Hon. Ayambem, about 11 months in office.

Hon. Effiom Ekarika, representing Calabar South 1, moved the impeachment resolution, which was backed by Hon. Omang Charles Omang, representing Bekwarra State Constituency.

Ayambem was elected Speaker of the 10th Cross River State House of Assembly in June 2023. Ayambem represents Ikom 2 State Constituency in the Houses of Assembly.

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