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Democracy Day: Despite Setbacks, Nigeria Evolving — Onyibe

Nigeria has made significant progress on its democratic journey despite the seeming setbacks, said a public policy analyst, Magnus Onyibe

Speaking on Newscentral TV’s Breakfast Show analysing transparency and accountability after 25 years of Nigeria’s democracy, Onyibe said although Nigerians will feel we haven’t moved forward, progress has been made.

“Unfortunately, democracy isn’t a 100 metres dash, it is a marathon and because of our peculiarities in Africa, we have to keep on evolving before reaching Western idealism.” He said.

Likening the current situation in Nigeria to a woman waiting to give birth, the former Delta State commissioner urged Nigerians to be patient with the reforms being carried out by the current administration and be positive that they will yield results.

He noted that civil societies as the fourth realm have evolved tremendously and according to him “a society has imbibed democracy, when the fourth realm becomes active” which is manifest in Nigeria.

Onyibe added that while the government has implemented mechanisms for the citizenry to scrutinize its policies and spending, it needs to do more in sanctioning those who have abused office

Admitting the justifiable despondency of the masses, he urged the government to communicate more with the people and show more transparency.

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