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Drama as Nigerian Governor Ademola Leaves Osun Eid Ground in Anger

Drama as Nigerian Governor Ademola Leaves Eid Ground in Anger (News Central TV)

Osun State Governor, Ademola Adeleke, left the Osogbo central Eid ground on Wednesday morning in anger over the poor seating arrangement, which prevented the governor from observing the two raka’at rites.

This is as Senator Ajibola Basiru, a former Senate spokesperson, managed to flee a crowd of thugs who were trying to eject him from his seat by force.

The Senator and Tunde Badmus, the state’s top religious figure, arrived at the Eid ground in the Oke-Baale neighbourhood of the state capital and took their seats in the front row.

However, when some politicians approached him and informed him that he was taking up the Governor’s space, the senator immediately moved to another space on the row. However, they insisted that he vacate that space to make room for the Governor and his entourage.

The Senator, on the other hand, insisted on sitting in the front row, which sparked outrage, and some hoodlums began to make a scene. Meanwhile, the Governor arrived at the Eid ground at the same time but was unable to leave his vehicle to take his seat.

Due to the circumstances, the Governor ultimately chose to remain in his car and was unable to witness the two raka’at prayer.

As he reportedly left the ground with Chief Badmus after the prayer rites, it was learned that the attempt to arrest the senator was ultimately unsuccessful.

However, Olalekan Badmus, the Special Adviser on New and Digital Media to Governor Ademola Adeleke raised an alarm on Wednesday via his Twitter account, @O_basslet, about an alleged assassination attempt on the life of the Governor of Osun State, Nigeria, at the Osogbo Eid Prayer Ground. 

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