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Ebrahim Raisi Had ‘Lot of Blood on His Hands’ – White House

Iran Holds Emergency Meeting After Death of President Raisi

The late Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi has been described as a man with a “lot of blood on his hands” by the White House. The statement was made regardless of Joe Biden’s administration offering condolences after his demise in a helicopter crash. 

The National Security Council spokesman, John  Kirby speaking to reporters said, “This was a man who had a lot of blood on his hands.” 

He said the late Ebrahim Raisi was responsible for the terrible rights abuses in Iran and supported regional proxies including Hamas.

He said, however, that “as in any other case, we certainly regret in general the loss of life and offered official condolences as appropriate.”

A five-day mourning has been declared in Iran after the death of the president and other officials in a helicopter crash.

The late Ebrahim Raisi was the president of Iran for three years and was planning to run for re-election in 2025.

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