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Egypt’s Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant to Cut Carbon Emissions by 14 Million Tons

Egypt's Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant to Cut Carbon Emissions by 14 Million Tons (News Central TV)

Officials at the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy said the Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant with an installed capacity of 4,800 megawatts will cut 14 million tons per annum worth of carbon emissions when it becomes fully operational.

The official added that one kilogram of uranium, when enriched by four percent, generates energy that is equivalent to that of 100 tons of high-quality coal or 60 tons of fossil fuel.

The Egyptian Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority announced in June the issuance of the permit to build the first reactor at Al Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant.

The request to establish the first two reactors, out of four, was submitted to the authority on January 1, 2019. Since then and until June 2021, the necessary safety report was being prepared, ensuring the availability of qualified workers, safety features in the design and site, and means of conducting safety tests.

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The results of such tests are compared against the criteria of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and Russia, given that Rosatom is the company implementing the project.

CEO of Rosatom, Alexey Likhachev stated in January that the construction of the first power unit at the Dabaa nuclear power plant in Egypt was scheduled to start in July.

In December, the head of the Nuclear Power Plants Authority in Egypt, Amgad Al-Wakeel, said that the Dabaa nuclear plant would be operating at full capacity of 4,800 megawatts by 2030.

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