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Eid al-Adha in Gaza Shadowed by Continued Violence

Eid al-Adha in Gaza Shadowed by Continued Violence

Contrary to popular opinion, not everyone enjoyed the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha on Sunday. While Muslim faithfuls marked the holiday with feasting and gifts, Palestinians displaced by Israel’s bombardments in the Gaza Strip struggled to feed their families.

Several displaced women, mostly widows in Deir al-Balah, located in central Gaza, expressed that this year’s Eid was markedly different from the celebrations they experienced last year.

“There are no new clothes, no Eid meat, or even Eid sweets, and you can’t give your son a toy to make him happy like before,” said Nadia Al-Debis, a displaced mother from Gaza City.

Her sister, Aya Al-Debis, noted that Eid al-Adha would be marked by the absence of loved ones.

“We are suffering from missing our family, my husband. And the children are missing their father.”
“My family can’t even afford to buy the necessities like healthy food for my children,” she added.
“We… fled from the hunger that was in the north. We were forced because the children could not bear it.”

Another displaced Palestinian displaced from Beit Lahia in north Gaza said the war must end at least for the sake of their children.

“Our homes are gone, and we are psychologically and financially destroyed,”
“We live in tents. The epidemic, poverty and hunger have wiped us out. We, as adults, are tired, so what about the children?” she asked.

Israel’s military revealed on Sunday that it would temporarily suspend flights along a route in southern Gaza during daylight hours to facilitate the smooth delivery of humanitarian aid. The move came after consultations with the United Nations and other humanitarian organisations.

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