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Electoral Reforms Needed to End Governors’ Control Over Local Government Chairmen Selection

INEC Ad hoc (News Central TV)

A spokesman for the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) has requested election amendments to ensure that the Supreme Court’s recent grant of local government (LG) financial autonomy is implemented.

Felix Morka remarked that, notwithstanding the financial autonomy afforded to the third tier of government, Nigeria cannot claim to have powerful LG administrations while governors continue to “handpick” chairmen for LGs in their states.

“According to my understanding, the Supreme Court was correct in granting local governments access to monies designated for them. I don’t believe this issue should spark the level of debate that I am seeing,” he remarked on Channels Television’s Politics Today programme on Tuesday.

“I agree that the entire system for overseeing local government elections requires a thorough overhaul by both state and federal officials.

“They must work together to create a system for holding elections that is transparent, objective, and independent. Financial autonomy is a step forward, but if governors continue to appoint local government officials, we will not have achieved full autonomy. “Electoral reforms are critical,” Morka stressed.

Last Thursday, the Supreme Court mandated financial autonomy for LGs, instructing the Nigerian Government to directly pay the 20.60% monthly allocation to the 774 local governments’ exclusive accounts, bypassing governors’ control.

The landmark decision also barred governors from dissolving democratically elected LG bodies.

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