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Electricity Employees Shut Down TCN Station in Nigeria’s Northwest 

Electricity Employees Shut Down TCN Regional Station in Kaduna (News Central TV)

In accordance with the order of the union’s national leadership, members of the National Union of Electricity Employees (NUEE) have resigned from their positions at the Transmission Company of Nigeria‘s (TCN) Kaduna Regional Headquarters, Northwest Nigeria.

The TCN Kaduna Regional station serves Kaduna, Kebbi, Sokoto, and Zamfara, four states in northwest Nigeria.

The Mando TCN Station in the capital city of Kaduna state was picketed by NUEE representatives on Wednesday morning, halting operations. They then ordered employees to leave the company’s property before locking the gate with their own keys.

They swore not to start working again until the Federal Government complied with all of their requests.

The electricity union is protesting the non-payment of outstanding arrears owed to former employees of the disbanded Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN), the suspension of worker employment terms and conditions, and the TCN board’s order to conduct promotion interviews for acting principal managers who will be promoted to assistant general managers.

NUEE had on May 18, issued a 14-day ultimatum to the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of TCN, threatening a strike if its complaints were not resolved.

The strike by NUEE is aimed at pressing home their demands which include the failure of the Federal Government to pay the entitlement of former staff of the defunct Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) in December 2019.

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