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Explainer: South Africa’s Exceptionally High Waves Explained

South Africa Waves (News Central TV)

South Africa experienced unusually high waves, reaching more than 30 feet high crashed into parts of the South African coast over the weekend, due to a low-pressure system formed in the Atlantic Ocean.

Forecaster Wayne Venter from the South African Weather Service clarified that this system brought unsettled weather conditions, including heavy rainfall, storms, and strong winds.

Extremely high tide caused devastation in some towns along the Eastern and Western coastlines

The sustained winds, with speeds ranging from 80-110km/h, continuously pushed ocean water, causing it to accumulate and result in towering waves. These persistent winds, blowing over an extended period, contributed to the waves’ significant size and strength, especially in KwaZulu-Natal.

Moreover, the combination of spring tides and the new moon phase further intensified the waves. Tragically, the storm surge caused devastation along parts of the Western Cape coastline, resulting in casualties and injuries despite storm surge warnings issued by the SA Weather Service in advance.

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