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Former Minister Simon Lalong Sworn In as Plateau South Senator 

Simon Lalong (News Central TV)

Nigeria’s former Minister of Labour and Employment Simon Bako Lalong has been sworn in as the senator representing Plateau South Senatorial District at the 10th Senate.

The swearing-in ceremony was presided over by the President of the Senate, Senator Godswill Akpabio, on Wednesday.

Simon Lalong took the oath of office on the floor of the Senate at about 11:57 am before he was immediately congratulated by Akpabio.

Immediately congratulated Lalong, a former governor of Plateau State, and the Director-General of the All Progressives Congress (APC) Campaigns during the 2023 presidential poll that produced President Bola Tinubu.

Earlier, the former minister tendered his resignation to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu on Tuesday.

Simon Lalong, who was the Director-General of the All Progressives Congress Campaigns during the 2023 Presidential Elections, made the move to enable him to further his senatorial ambition.

It should be recalled that the Court of Appeal declared him as the duly elected Senator representing Plateau South Senatorial District and directed the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to issue him the Certificate of Return.

The Senator-elect disclosed this in a letter addressed to President Tinubu on Tuesday, December 19.

In a letter, Simon Lalong reminded the Minister reminded the ECOWAS Chairman he had secured the senatorial seat after exhaustive legal processes.

He said the decision for his resignation was not made lightly because of the trust and confidence that President Tinubu placed in him as a minister in his cabinet having served as the Director General of the Tinubu/Shettima Campaign Council which delivered victory for the APC.

“However, after extensive consultations with Your Excellency, critical stakeholders and my constituents, it has become expedient for me to proceed and take my seat at the Red Chambers to continue to contribute to the Renewed Hope agenda of your Government and the growth of our democracy at large”. Simon Lalong explained.

The outgoing minister also expressed deep gratitude to the president for the honour and privilege of serving in his cabinet and for the personal support and guidance he gave him during his assignment as minister. 

Simon Lalong also promised that while at the Senate, he will continue to give President Tinubu his loyalty, support and cooperation towards the success of the Renewed Hope Agenda and the success of the APC in the relentless pursuit of a stronger, united and more prosperous Nigeria.

The senator-elect was at the National Assembly to submit his Certificate of Return and relevant documents to the clerk of the Senate. 

He also met with the Deputy Senate President, Barau Jibrin, former Senate President Ahmad Lawan, the Senator representing Plateau Central District Diket Plang, and some Senators.

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