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Four Nigerians Sentenced to 8-18 Years for Prostitution Ring in France

Four Nigerians Sentenced to 8-18 Years for Prostitution Ring in France (News Central TV)

The Val-de-Marne Assize Court in France has handed down sentences ranging from eight to eighteen years to four Nigerian nationals. They were convicted of aggravated pimping within an organised criminal network and human trafficking, specifically involving the forced prostitution of young Nigerian girls in the Bois de Vincennes.

Pascale Pérard, the president of the court, underscored the gravity of the charges and the inhumane treatment endured by the young victims for profit. She read out the verdict, highlighting the court’s recognition of the extreme seriousness of the case.

These sentences closely mirror those delivered by the Paris Assize Court in July 2020, where the defendants received prison terms of 10, 13, 15, and 19 years. The public prosecutor in Creteil had previously requested sentences ranging from nine to eighteen years.

Four Nigerians Sentenced to 8-18 Years for Prostitution Ring in France

Omos Wiseborn, who was actively involved in the network’s organisation, according to the prosecution, received a sentence of 18 years. However, his lawyer, Caroline Thévenin, deemed this punishment excessively harsh, arguing that it did not accurately reflect Wiseborn’s level of involvement in the criminal network.

Dennis Brown and Blessing Ubi received sentences of 12 and 15 years, respectively, for their roles in harbouring young girls, coercing them into prostitution, and profiting from their earnings. Their previous sentences were 13 and 15 years.

Emmanuel Aiwansosa, who faced charges related to performing a forced abortion and aggravated procuring, was sentenced to eight years, a reduction from his initial ten-year sentence.

Catherine Delanoë Daoud, the lawyer representing Gloria (whose first name was changed), a victim who underwent a brutal, coerced abortion at the age of 14, commented on the verdict, stating that it was not surprising to her client.

The trial, which began on September 19, centred on the defendants’ recruitment of young girls, some of whom were minors, in Nigeria. They enticed these victims with false promises of employment and education, organising their perilous journey to France. Upon arrival, the victims were forced into prostitution in the Bois de Vincennes.

Throughout the trial, the defendants admitted to their actions but attempted to downplay their level of involvement. They also expressed remorse and offered apologies to the victims, who bravely recounted their harrowing experiences in court.

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