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Guinea’s Nguema Frees Ex-minister Who Called Him a ‘Demon’

Former Equatorial Guinea justice minister Ruben Maye Nsue Mangue, who was imprisoned since August 2022 for referring to the country’s leader, Teodoro Obiang Nguema, as a “demon”, has been released following a presidential amnesty.

He was arrested over a viral WhatsApp audio recording in which he called the Central African nation’s leader, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, a “demon… sequestering his people” while calling for a national dialogue.

Mangue disclosed that he had to undergo a thorough health check after release and said he couldn’t see a lawyer or go on trial.

“I was in preventive detention,” Mangue said.

Obiang, 80, won a sixth term in November 2022 with an official 94.9% vote, prompting several countries to doubt the results.

Human rights organisations often criticise him for alleged human rights violations, such as arbitrary detentions, disappearances, and torture.

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