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Hollywood Shutdown: SAG Strike Brings Film, TV Productions to a Halt

SAG Strike Brings Film and TV Productions to a Halt (News Central TV)

The SAG strike, initiated by the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA), is a labour dispute between the union and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP). The strike is set to shut down Hollywood as actors demand better pay, working conditions, and protections against the impact of streaming and artificial intelligence (AI) on their industry.

SAG-AFTRA represents approximately 160,000 professionals in the entertainment industry, including actors, broadcast journalists, announcers, hosts, and stunt performers. The union negotiates collective bargaining agreements with AMPTP, which represents studios, production companies, and streaming services. These contracts are typically renegotiated every three years.

The current contract was set to expire on June 30, but an extension was granted until July 12 to reach a new agreement. However, with no deal in place, union leadership announced plans for an actors’ strike. The SAG strike, combined with the ongoing screenwriters’ strike by the Writers Guild of America, will have significant repercussions for the entertainment industry worldwide.

Screen Actors Guild members walk the picket line in solidarity with striking Writers Guild of America members outside Netflix offices in Los Angeles on July 13.Photographer: Mario Tama/Getty Images

Actors participating in the SAG strike are advocating for several key demands. First, they seek improved pay and working conditions, as the rise of streaming services like Netflix has reshaped the landscape of the industry. Actors face declining residuals, wages that have not kept pace with inflation, and a reduction in job opportunities due to shorter seasons for shows. They want fair compensation in this evolving digital landscape.

Another crucial concern is the use of AI in the entertainment industry. Actors worry about the unregulated use of AI technology to reproduce their likenesses or performances. They demand guarantees from studios and production companies on the deployment of AI, but reportedly, AMPTP has not shown flexibility on this issue.

To authorise a strike, SAG members voted, with approximately 98 percent supporting the union leadership’s decision. Several high-profile actors, including Jennifer Lawrence, Keke Palmer, and Olivia Wilde publicly expressed their support for a potential strike by signing a letter. Even SAG-AFTRA president Drescher endorsed the strike.

The SAG strike will have a profound impact on Hollywood. The majority of film and television sets will be shut down indefinitely, causing delays in the release of new movies and shows. Audiences can expect longer waits to see new seasons of their favorite shows. Additionally, according to SAG strike guidelines, actors will not be allowed to promote their upcoming projects on their social media accounts, including participating in premieres, press junkets, interviews, and panels.

Meanwhile, news and broadcast programs will remain unaffected by the SAG strike, as these fall under different contracts and unions.

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