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Homes Torched, Many Injured, Abducted as Bandits Attack Kaduna Community

Homes Torched, Many Injured and Abducted as Bandits Attack Kaduna Community

Reports say that bandits attacked the Akwando community in Kachia Local Government Area of Kaduna State during the early hours of Wednesday.
The bandits abducted and injured numerous residents and set fire to a house and two shops during the attack.
According to a source, the injured residents are currently receiving medical treatment.
He explained, “The bandits came in large numbers, attacked the community some minutes after midnight.

“The attack was carried out from the market downward to other houses in the community.
“Many people were kidnapped by the terrorists; about three others were injured and are receiving treatment in a hospital. They also burnt one house and two shops during their attack.”

The State police command’s spokesperson is yet to make a public address,as at the time of filing this report.

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