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HRW: Fighting in Ethiopia’s Amhara Region Puts Sudan Refugees at Risk

HRW: Fighting in Ethiopia's Amhara Region Puts Sudan Refugees at Risk

Clashes between Ethiopian government forces and the Amhara-based Fano militia have intensified in Ethiopia’s north-western region, putting thousands of Sudanese refugees in grave danger, according to Human Rights Watch (HRW).

Since September, the escalating violence has further endangered the safety of refugees who fled conflict in Sudan, HRW highlighted in its report.

The conflict in Sudan, which erupted in April 2023, has forced tens of thousands of Sudanese to seek refuge across the border in Ethiopia, many of whom have been settled in camps in the Amhara region. However, these refugees face ongoing threats, including violence, abductions, and forced labour by unidentified armed groups and militias. The recent surge in fighting has worsened their already precarious situation.

“These refugees have fled horrific abuses back home and urgently need protection, not further threats to their lives,” said Laetitia Bader, HRW’s Director for the Horn of Africa. She emphasised the need for the Ethiopian federal government to enhance its efforts in safeguarding the refugees.

HRW’s report also pointed out that attempts by Ethiopian authorities and the UN refugee agency to relocate refugees to safer areas have been unsuccessful due to the continuing conflict between government forces and the Fano militia.

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