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Hundreds of High-Ranking Terrorists Escape Niger Prison

Koutoukale Prison Break (News Central TV)

Prison authorities in Niger’s volatile Tillaberi region have declared a curfew following the escape of hundreds of terrorists from the high-security Koutoukalé prison on Thursday. Koutoukalé prison is located 50 kilometres northwest of the capital, Niamey, according to the interior ministry.

The prison experienced two attempted jailbreaks in 2016 and 2019. Niger’s armed forces are overwhelmed by insurgent attacks in the west and are also tasked with protecting the junta that took power in last year’s coup.

The number of escapees in the latest jailbreak is not yet known. However, insurgent fighters linked to al-Qaeda and ISIS are believed to be among the fugitives. The curfew in the Tillaberi region restricts all movement of pedestrians, bicycles, and motor vehicles.

In the same region, Mali and Burkina Faso, all under military rule, have been battling to contain increasing terrorist attacks. On Monday, at least 14 soldiers were killed and 11 others wounded in an attack by suspected insurgent groups linked to al-Qaeda in the Tillaberi region. The troops were ambushed between the villages of Ila Fari and Djangore, with 24 soldiers still reported missing.

The three military-led countries have expelled French soldiers who were helping to fight terrorist groups and have turned to Russia for military support. Thousands have been killed in the insurgencies, and more than three million people have been displaced, fuelling a deep humanitarian crisis.

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