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I Gave My Best as Nigeria’s President — Babangida

Babangida (News Central TV)

Nigeria’s former military leader, General Ibrahim Babangida, has said he gave his best as president, which may not be satisfactory to some, but history will be the judge.

Babangida stated that his best achievement was learning about the country and making friends across borders during his adoption of the coercion and dialogue leadership styles.

The former leader made the statements during an interview with reporters at his Hilltop residence in Minna, Niger State.

Babangida advised Nigerian youths who aspire to lead the country to build their knowledge about people and understand the West African state better.

When asked to rank the achievements during his career, he said; “Number one is that I served the country the best. I could, it may not be to your satisfaction but to the best that I could; I leave that to history to judge.

“I related fairly well with the people of the country. I had no problem with them and I got to know the country more as I was well travelled. I made friends all over the country and I thought that was one of the greatest achievements,” the former military leader said.

Babangida said that in leadership, providing solutions to the fears and problems of people is the major job.

“You have an opportunity now as young people, get to know the country, study the country, the people and if you are able to do that or to understand that, basically I think that will go a long way to prepare you for the eventual leadership of the country,” he said.

“Just like any other style, you are placed in a leadership position; your job is to lead people. You develop a situation where people look up to you to provide certain solutions to their problems or to their fears.

“Whatever it is and you stand out as the person who will be able to do that. So you have to study human beings, you have to read about them and you have to be very compassionate. Sometimes ruthlessness to get things done but there are a lot of ways you have to develop so that you will be able to achieve certain things. Others you plead with, some you coerce and so on and so forth.” Babangida stated.

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