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I Have Never Smoked, Had Alcohol in My Life, Akon Asserts

Akon (News Central TV)

Popular Senegalese-American singer Akon has stated that he has never smoked or drunk alcohol in his life.

He emphasised that his focus on health and fitness drives his whole preparation for his maiden European trip in April.

He went on to say that he only eats candy while travelling.

He further noted that the only thing he indulges in while traveling is candy.

Speaking with The Sun newspapers Bizarre column, the 50-year-old artist said: “I have never smoked in my life, or drank or done any drugs. The only thing that I have on my rider and that gets me hyper is candy. I love candy. I love sweets.

“But in my dressing room, I have an area for my push-ups and my pull-ups to get my body right and to get my heart beating so I don’t get tired when I come off stage.

“I have a lot of fun things in there as well like television and juicer to make my shakes.

“I’ll hit the hot tub if it’s available after a show.

“If not, whatever tub is available, and if there is no tub available, then I just take a shower and go to sleep.”

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