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Indian Guest Leaves Upscale Hotel Without Paying After 20 Months

Indian Guest Leaves Upscale Hotel Without Paying After 20 Months

The Indian Express newspaper reports that a guest who checked into a five-star Delhi hotel for a single night stayed 603 nights before checking out without paying his huge bill.

Ankush Dutta spent almost two years at the Roseate House Hotel near the capital’s international airport, according to the newspaper.

Dutta accumulated a bill of over INR 5.8 million (N58.2 Million) at the contemporary upscale resort before escaping in January 2021.

The hotel board called in the police after discovering the unpaid heavy bill when records were later checked.

The lodge filed complaints against the guest, the front desk manager, and several other staff members accused of helping him evade payment.

The complaint said the hotel staff “allegedly forged, deleted, added and falsified a large number of entries in the account of the said guest,” the Indian Express reported.

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