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Israeli Commander Acknowledges Mistakes in Gaza White Flag Shooting Incident

Israeli Commander Acknowledges Mistakes in Gaza White Flag Shooting Incident

A senior commander in the Israel Defence Force (IDF) has provided a strong indication that Israeli forces may have been responsible for the killing of a man waving a white flag in Gaza, as captured in footage broadcast by ITV News.

Initially dismissing the video, the IDF claimed the footage “is clearly edited, and we have no way to comment.” However, Brig. General Dan Goldfuss, commander of the IDF 98th Division, revealed in an interview with ABC News that they are now investigating the incident. He maintained that his troops do not intentionally fire at civilians but admitted, “There are mistakes; it is war.”

The video, filmed by a cameraman employed, shows a group waving a white flag with what appears to be an Israeli tank nearby. The fatal shot is not seen in the footage, but the scene suggests the presence of an Israeli military presence.

General Goldfuss acknowledged the ongoing investigation, stating, “That is not the way we carry out our rules of engagement. No, we don’t fire at people waving white flags. We don’t fire at civilians.” When questioned about occasional mistakes, he responded, “There are mistakes; it is war. This is not a machine working; these are people.”

The video, broadcast on January 23, has prompted outrage, with UK parliament members and leading charities, including Amnesty International and the Norwegian Refugee Council, describing it as evidence of a war crime. The incident has raised concerns about civilian casualties, adding a layer of complexity to the already tense situation.

The footage captures a group of men walking down a road with their hands up, one holding a white flag. After an interview with one of the men, gunfire erupts, leading to the death of one individual. The incident has sparked international condemnation and calls for accountability.

The investigation continues as the world awaits further developments regarding the circumstances surrounding the shooting.

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