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Ivory Coast Set to Hold Regional, Municipal Elections on September 2

Prime Minister Patrick Achi (News Central TV)

FILE PHOTO: Patrick Achi, the secretary-general of the presidency, speaks during the announcement of the new government at the presidential palace in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. September 4, 2019. REUTERS/Thierry Gouegnon

In advance of the presidential elections scheduled for 2025, regional and municipal elections will be held in Ivory Coast on September 2, a government official announced on Wednesday.

According to government spokesman Amadou Coulibaly, the Independent Election Commission’s proposal led to the September date being imposed by decree.

On a list released by the RHDP, eleven members of the government will run in the regional elections.

In his native region in the southeast, Prime Minister Patrick Achi will run for re-election as regional council president.

Before the country of Ivory Coast holds its presidential election, the upcoming elections are seen as a test of the power of its major political parties.

Former president Laurent Gbagbo‘s new African Peoples Party – Ivory Coast (PPA-CI), a left-wing pan-African organisation, will be making its maiden appearance in the elections.

Regional and municipal elections will be held in September

After being cleared by the International Criminal Court of human rights allegations related to post-election violence in 2011, Gbagbo returned to the Ivory Coast in June 2021.

Five years ago, the main opposition Democratic Party took six of the country’s 31 regions, leaving the ruling RHDP party in charge of 18.

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