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Jigawa State Government Allocates N1 Billion for Free Healthcare

The Jigawa State Government has allocated N1 billion towards offering free healthcare services to underprivileged individuals in the state.

Alhaji Sagir Musa, the Commissioner for Information, Youth, Sports, and Culture, disclosed this following the State Executive Council meeting in Dutse.

Musa explained that the decision stemmed from a proposal presented by the Ministry of Health, outlining the allocation of N1 billion from the State Equity Fund for the implementation of the free healthcare programme.

“The equity fund is aimed at providing free primary and secondary healthcare services to the poor and vulnerable population for the period of 12 months,”  Musa elaborated.

He emphasised that this initiative aligns with the government’s commitment to achieving Universal Health Coverage.

Under this scheme, approximately 143,500 individuals classified as poor and vulnerable, with 500 beneficiaries identified from each of the 287 political wards across the state, are set to receive access to essential healthcare services free of charge.

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