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Joint Statement: Western Nations Express Deep Concerns Over Violence

ruto (NewsCentral TV)

The anti-tax hike protests in Kenya have drawn concerns from observers in Africa and worldwide. More than 10 Western nations said they were “deeply concerned” by violence during anti-tax hike protests in Kenya on Tuesday.

Over five persons were reportedly killed, with many severely wounded. The death toll may rise.

The embassies and diplomatic missions from 13 countries, including Canada, Germany, Britain, and the United States, said in a joint statement they were “especially shocked by the scenes witnessed outside the Kenyan Parliament”.

In his reaction, Kenyan opposition leader Raila Odinga urged the government to stop killing Kenyan “children” and drop the Finance Bill 2024.

At a press conference, he said Kenya cannot afford to kill its children simply because they ask for food, jobs, and a listening ear, Odinga said.

“I am disturbed at the murders, arrests, detentions and surveillance being perpetrated by police on boys and girls who are only seeking to be heard over taxation policies that are stealing both their present and future,” he added.

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