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Jos Building Collapse: Plateau Commissioner Calls for Blood Donors

Jos Building Collapse: Plateau Commissioner Calls for Blood Donors

Pic.9. People rescue one of the students of the Collapsed Saint Academy School, Jos on Friday (12/7/24). 0159/JULY/12/7/2024/Sunday Adah/MO/NAN

The Plateau State Government is asking the residents of the state to visit Plateau Specialists Hospital and donate blood to help save the lives of students who were rescued from the collapsed school building in Jos.
Mr Musa Ashom, the Commissioner for Information and Communication, issued the plea in a statement in Jos on Friday evening.

They are encouraging all physically fit individuals to participate in blood donation, and this message is being broadcast regularly on state-owned radio and television stations.
The commissioners said, “As a result of the immense casualties from the collapse of a school building in the Busa Buji area of Jos North Local Government Area, the Honourable Commissioner for Information and Communication Plateau State, Ibrahim Musa Ashoms, is appealing to the sense of humanity of members of the public to donate blood at major and government hospitals in the city.”

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