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JUST IN: Emir of Gaya Speaks on Dethronement

Emir of Gaya (News Central TV)

One of the recently deposed Emirs in Kano, the Emir of Gaya, Alhaji Aliyu Ibrahim Abdulkadir, says he has accepted his removal from office as an act of God.

Abdulkadir is among the five first-class kings appointed by former Governor Abdullahi Ganduje in 2019, who dethroned Alhaji Muhammadu Sanusi as Emir of Kano the following year. The emirates included Rano, Gaya, Karaye, and Bichi.

However, the new law signed on Thursday by Governor Abba Yusuf Kabir sacked all the emirs appointed by Ganduje, giving them 48 hours to vacate their palaces and hand over to the Commissioner of Chieftaincy and Local Government Affairs.

In an interview with BBC Hausa, the dethroned ruler said he held no bitterness against anybody.

Deposed Emir of Gaya, Alhaji Aliyu Ibrahim Abdulkadir

He further explained that he would not challenge the decision in court and was ready to serve in any other capacity if given the opportunity.

Hours earlier, some residents of Gaya protested over the decision of Governor Yusuf to dissolve the Gaya emirate.

The protesters carried placards with various inscriptions and chanted anti-government songs. They condemned the action of the state government and the state House of Assembly.

They alleged injustice, adding that the dissolution of the emirate has political undercurrents.

The New Nigeria People’s Party-dominated House of Assembly repealed the law the former Governor Abdullahi Ganduje used to dethrone Alhaji Muhammadu Sanusi II in 2020.

While assenting to the law on Thursday, Governor Abba Yusuf announced the dissolution of the four extra emirates created by Ganduje.

It was gathered that one of the dethroned Emir vacated his palace at midnight on Thursday. The town remained peaceful as there was the presence of armed security personnel.

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