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JUST IN: University Students Protest Constant Robbery Attacks in Ondo

FUTA Students (News Central TV)

Students of the Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) in Nigeria’s Southwest state of Ondo have protested the incessant robbery attacks suffered off campus.

The protesters barricaded the Akure-Ilesa Road with placards, singing songs of solidarity, causing a shutdown of vehicular movement.

According to the FUTA students said the protest was to call the attention of the school’s management, the federal and state government, and security agencies to take actions to save them from the attacks of the robbers.

Members of the Ondo State Police command have been deployed to the location of the protests to ensure the safety of the protesting students, the Police Public Relations Officer, Funmilayo Odunlami, has confirmed.

Some of the placards read, “Keep us safe or give us guns” “After school fees increment, our lives are nit safe from thieves.”

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