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Kano Assembly Passes Bill Establishing Second Class Emirates


The Kano State House of Assembly on Tuesday, passed the Kano State Emirates Council Establishment Bill 2024 to create three new second-class emirates.

Sponsored by Deputy Speaker Muhammad Bello Bututu, the bill designates Kano as a first-class emirate, with Rano, Gaya, and Karaye as second-class emirates.

During the assembly session led by Speaker Ismail Falgore, the bill passed its third reading. Rano emirate will encompass Rano, Bunkure, and Kibiya local government areas. Gaya emirate includes Gaya, Albasu, and Ajingi, while Karaye emirate covers Karaye and Rogo.

Second-class emirs will report to the Emir of Kano, advising on public order, boundary disputes, and local affairs.

The bill requires the governor’s approval for emir appointments and activities through the Commissioner for Local Governments. It establishes the Emir of Kano as the overall head, with second-class emirs overseeing their respective areas.

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