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Kano-Lagos Express Train Service to Commence Operation

The Nigeria Railway Corporation, (NRC) says it is relaunching the Kano-Lagos express train service, known as the 2LL.

This is coming following extensive revamping and successful test run of the interlink rails between Nigeria’s economic capitals.

Representative of the Railway District Manager, North Western District, Obafunso Suleimon said NRC certified the readiness of the Minna-Kaduna-Kano Railway Tracks following the repairs on the vandalised portions, adding that the restoration process was a major milestone.

The Railway Corporation said commuters can expect a luxurious travel experience aboard the 2LL, which has received a full makeover.

“The coaches have been modernised with top-notch facilities aimed at providing comfort and style for travelers. The train’s overnight stay in Minna before proceeding to Lagos was part of the final preparations to assure the safety and reliability of the Minna-Lagos Railway Tracks.”

“We are thrilled by the Federal Government’s commitment, as reflected in the efforts of the Honorable Minister of Transportation, Sen Said Alkali, and the NRC’s Managing Director, Engineer Fidet Okheria, to reinvigorate the railway system for the benefit of the Nigerian populace,” said Engineer Suleiman.

Suleimon said with the official commencement date for the 2LL Kano-Lagos train services on the horizon, the NRC is preparing to welcome passengers back to a transformed rail experience that promises to blend historical significance with contemporary luxury.

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