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Kano Unveils Tree Planting Campaign to Combat Climate Change

Kano Unveils Tree Planting Campaign to Combat Climate Change (News Central TV)

Kano State Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf has launched a major tree planting campaign with the goal of planting 3 million trees.

This initiative is part of a broader effort to address climate change, prevent soil erosion, combat land degradation, and improve agricultural productivity.

The 2024 Tree Planting Campaign aims to stop illegal tree cutting and lessen the effects of climate change. It will protect the soil, enhance farmland, and fight desertification.

The plan involves; engaging local government officials, traditional leaders, and households in tree planting and care, educating students from primary to tertiary levels about the importance of trees, involving civil servants, religious leaders, businesses, and politicians in the tree planting and management efforts.

Governor Yusuf warned that anyone caught cutting trees without permission from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change will face strict penalties. He urged all residents to support the campaign and adopt tree planting as a regular practice.

“We will not hesitate to bring to book anyone found cutting trees without the necessary permits from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change,” he said.

“I urge all residents to support this vital exercise wholeheartedly and embrace the culture of tree planting for the collective good of our environment. Let us work together to keep our surroundings clean and safe,” he added.

The Emir of Kano, Malam Muhammadu Sanusi II, has backed the campaign, and instructed local leaders to actively promote the initiative.

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