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Kenya Introduces Stringent Security Measures Following Recent Murders

Kenya Introduces Stringent Security Measures Following Recent Murders

In response to a surge in criminal activity, including murders, within residential apartments, particularly those linked to online accommodation, lodging, and hospitality platforms, Kenya’s private security regulator has issued new directives.

Accommodation and hospitality service providers are now required to retain the identification documents of all guests until check-out. The move follows the recent brutal murders of two young women in short-term apartment rentals, prompting calls for stricter regulation.

Under the new rules, security guards must document guests’ identification details, along with their check-in and check-out times. Additionally, they are mandated to maintain logs of vehicles accessing their premises and ensure that security cameras are operational at all times. The Private Security Regulatory Authority (PSRA) CEO, Fazul Mahamed, emphasised that these measures aim to safeguard the safety of both residents and guests.

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